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Motutapu Restoration Trust

Celebrating three decades of collaboration, Living Earth's partnership with the Motutapu Restoration Trust stands as a testament to shared environmental stewardship.

Since 1993, Living Earth has generously provided growing media to support native planting on Motutapu Island. This vital contribution has facilitated the establishment of nearly 500,000 trees, nurturing a sprawling 100-hectare native forest in the heart of the Hauraki Gulf.

The Trust's reliance on volunteers underscores the community's role in conservation efforts, offering opportunities for individuals of all ages to engage in meaningful environmental work. In alignment with the Trust's vision, Living Earth is deeply committed to gardening, recycling, and composting, exemplifying a holistic approach to sustainability.

This enduring partnership, bolstered by collaborative efforts with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and the Department of Conservation, exemplifies a harmonious blend of preservation, culture, and ecological restoration, symbolizing a shared dedication to building a greener, healthier future.